Caitlin O'Hanley | Caitlin O'Hanley Portfolio
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I Am

I am a designer with a keen interest in Branding, Web, and UI/UX Design as well as Marketing.

I Make

I make high quality and well thought out designs that are done quickly and proficiently for my clients.

I Want

I want to work hard for my clients and produce the best work for them.

A collection of my work over the past four years as both a student, freelancer, and employee.  They showcase the variety of fields that I have had the opportunity to work in.


Every time I take on  project, I try and go above and beyond for my clients.  They ask for a logo-I make three and mock them up on a business card.  I go two steps further to insure that they are getting the highest quality work that I can create for them.


Listed below are my top four areas that I, and others, feel that am skilled in.  I have had the great opportunity to experience doing all four in a professional environment which you will see listed in my resume.


I have had the pleasure to work with world renowned designers and learned the intricacies of how to create a strong brand.  It is more than just a logo, it is the building blocks for everything else that is created for a company or event.


UI/UX is all about the user, and as a designer I have the ability to put myself in their shoes and problem solve using this.  I want to create a positive experience for the user on every website, app, or even the print materials that I design.

Marketing Materials

Every company and event needs marketing materials to have the successful results they’re after.  It can be a fun challenge to work within brand guidelines while still being innovative and keeping in mind who we are trying to attract.  I am also capable to recommending certain materials that best suit the customer.


I think every good designer should be able to take and edit a photo.  So I have invested a lot of my spare time in the freelance photography world.  While mostly sticking to professional headshots and senior portraits, I have also dipped into some wedding, event, and sports photography.


Days Designing




Photos Edited