Caitlin O'Hanley | About Me
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About Me

Who is Caitlin?

No one is strictly just a designer, we all have our outside passions.  For me, I just enjoy being outside or getting some exercise.  I always try to go to the gym or play hockey after work and on the weekends I’m usually on a hike, doing projects outside, or fishing.  I always try to bring my camera with me whenever I go on an adventure to keep improving my photography skills, and even work as a sports photographer for different teams.


Years of Design


Hours of Marketing


Years of Leadership


Want to learn a little more about me and my work experience?  Click the button below to download my resume.


I am passionate about the brand design process and making sure that every project I take on gets a unique and thoughtful brand from the logo to the fonts.


I want to make sure that every site I create is easy to navigate for every type of user. I will take hours going through a site to be positive that each page and where it leads makes sense.

Marketing Materials

Everyone needs marketing materials and as a young designer this is what I have the most experience in.  I find it fun and challenging to stick within brand guidelines while making something special.

Photo Editing

I think every good designer should be able to edit a photo.  So whenever I get the chance, I am on Lynda or Youtube looking up tutorials to sharpen my skills and expand my knowledge.


I want to be the best designer that I can possibly be. I firmly believe in the 10,000 hours saying, and have always used it in everything that I am passionate about.  I am extremely passionate about design and always want to design something high quality.  Even if it is just a logo for a friend, I go above and beyond so that they can have something great and so that I can be proud of what I am putting out into the design universe.  I never want to look at something and think I could have done better so I do everything in my power to make everything perfect.